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After selecting your procedure, you have the option to filter the results even further by Facility Name or Location. Once you’re content with the filters applied, browse through the results.

Each card shows the provider, ProScore, our confidence level, the encounter estimate, and your cost. Let’s unpack these details.

The encounter estimate is the full cost of the primary procedures plus the full cost of the associates procedures multiplied by their respective “likelihood” amounts.

Your cost considers your plan co-pays, coinsurance, deductibles, out-of-pocket amounts, limits to coverages, and a myriad of other plan details to compute a highly accurate estimate of your personal financial responsibility.

The ProScore and Confident rating represents the confidence we have in our pricing information for this particular facility/procedure combination. Our highest rating is Excellent with a ProScore of 100.

Once you’ve selected your desired entity, the phone number and directions are accessible with the click of a button.
